Battle helm of the Witch-king
November 2009
The Witch-king of Angmar, also known as the Lord of the Nazgûl and the Black Captain, is a character in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. He is the chief of the Nazgûl or "Ringwraiths", the chief servants of the Dark Lord, Sauron.

I saw some interesting tutorials on making props and costumes with hot glue and cardboard so I decided to try it out. The Witchking Helm has been on my build list for a long time and its simple shapes seemed doable in cardboard.

I cut the cardboard layers and hot glued them together.

I used wooden dowels sharpened on the belt sander to make the spikes.

I covered the cardboard with a coat of Bondo auto body filler.

I sanded the surface mostly smooth, leaving the naturally-occurring voids. The voids nicely simulate corrosion or damage.

I glued on the spikes with a dollop of hot glue.

I used epoxy putty to make the base of the spikes, texturing the putty with coarse sandpaper.

I painted a base coat of black over the entire helm.

I used an iron based paint, leaving black exposed in the recessed areas.

I went over the helm with a wash of black to accent the recessed areas more.

A final drybrushed coat of silver pulls it all together. Edges are hit with a highlight of silver to simulate scuffed metal.

The final helmet modeled on my head casting. I made a black hood to be worn under it hide my face. Visibility is not too bad.