tarakudo oni mask
june 2018
Tarakudo is the King of the Shadowkhan (mystical ninjas) and Lord of All Oni (demons trapped in Japanese masks.) He is the primary antagonist in the fourth season of the Jackie Chan Adventures animated series.

Making the Jackie Chan Adventures oni masks has been a project that I wanted to build for a long time. I decided to start with the mask of Tarakudo.

Based on screen captures from the show, I drew up plans in Illustrator.

I pulled the plans into Strata3D and modeled the mask.

The mask was too big to print out all at once but the printing software allowed me to cut it into sections.

All the printed parts glued together and the seams filled with putty.

A coat of primer and much sanding later, the mask is ready for molding.

After casting a copy, I painted the base coat in Rustoleum Satin Fire Orange (# 263149)

I cast the “hair” as separate resin pieces.

The black areas and teeth painted.

I glued on the hair but to make sure it didn’t come off, I put some screws through the back.

Side view.

It’s pretty comfy to wear and it has good visibility. Now to summon my Shadowkhan…to help sand.