homer's pig crap silo
APRIL 2009
The Simpsons Movie is a 2007 American animated comedy film based on the Fox television series The Simpsons. In the film, homer gets a pet pig who he named "Plopper".

How could I resist building a model of Homer’s pig crap silo in the scale of the World of Springfield figures.

I found a tube that was exactly the right diameter to be in scale with the Simpsons action figures. After drawing the plate pattern, I started glueing on thin plastic to simulate the sheet metal.

After all the plates were glued on, I used puffy paint to add rivets.

I stacked MDF and sanded it to shaped on a “poor man’s lathe” to make the dome.

After the dome was formed, I used it to (badly) vacuum form plastic over it. The plastic was cut up to make the dome plates.

I hand painted Homer’s “Pig Crap” message to the front…

…and his “Return” message on the back.

The final model with Homer and Marge.