sauron's mace
january 2005
Sauron is the Dark Lord in the "Lord of the Rings" and the creator the magical Rings of Power and the One Ring which controls them. In the Second Age, he battled the forces of Middle Earth with an ornate mace.

This mace started as a quickie prop for my Sauron Halloween costume. The shaft is a cedar closet dowel, cut hexagonally with a hacksaw. The head piece and butt were pine discs of various diameters on a threaded rod. To get it done in time, I cut flat styrene blades and glued them to the head.

After the holidays, I decided (or was compelled by dark forces) to bring the mace up to spec. The blades were re-cut out of 3 sheets of 3 mm plastic laminated together. I used the Dremel sander to grind the bevels on the blades and modeling putty was used to build the raised dividing fins. The new blades were glued to the head with 2-part epoxy.

The grip ribs and spiked band (halfway up the shaft) are styrene. The hand guard was made with a pine disk and wood putty.

I added the “Black Tongue” runes to alternating facets of the shaft with craft “puffy paint”.