Sword of manjimaru
march 2011
The sword and scabbard of Sengoku Manjimaru are featured in the Tengai Makyou II video game, which is set in a beautiful country named Jipang where the Fire clan and Roots clan have been rivals over centuries since the dawn of time, good versus evil.

I was commissioned to make the sword and scabbard from this video game.

I started by cutting the blade halves from 1/4″ poplar, cutting a channel inside each for a steel support rod and glueing the wood together.

I sanded an edge on the blade then sealed the wood with shellac.

I made the blade collar from black styrene plastic.

I cut hilt halves from 3/4″ MDF, cutting a channel for the steel support rod and blade collar.

By the client’s request, I painted the blade red.

I shaped the hilt using a Dremel sander.

I made the scabbard out of MDF with 1/4″ poplar fins

I lined the scabbard with soft cloth to protect the finish on the blade.

I glued the scabbard closed and rounded the edges on the router table.

I carved some belly scales into the scabbard using chisels and utility knives.

I cut channels for the steel support rod in MDF grip halves.

I glued the grip parts together and carved out areas for the scale insets and gems.

I cut parts for the face out of 1/4″ and 1/8″ MDF.

The face parts glued on.

I cut eyes from 1/4″ red acrylic that fit into the eye socket.

I puttied up the gaps between the face parts and the scabbard.

I glued on 1/4″ antlers to the dragon’s head.

I made stamps for scales out of hardboard and dowels.

I rolled out a long sheet of clay and stamped scales into the surface.

I poured plastic resin into the mold and removed a sheet of scales!

I used a heat gun to soften the scale sheet to it would wrap around the dragon’s body.

I used the same technique to cast resin whiskers.

The de-molded whiskers.

I used a heat gun to soften each whisker and wrapped it around the body.

I painted the scabbard with brass paint.

I attached rings to the dragon’s back so it could be worn.

I cast red resin gems for the pommel and grip.

The final sword and scabbard!

The sword in the scabbard.
