fate/stay night spear
january 2011
Fate/stay night is an anime that chronicles a two-week period in the life of an amateur magus who attends a school in Japan.

I was commissioned to build Gáe Bulg, Lancer’s spear from the anime Fate/Stay Night.

I started by lathing the head and tail shafts out of a single piece of basswood.

Since the tail spike would be coming in contact with the ground and basswood is soft, I made the spike out of oak.

The spike is glued into a hole in the base of the tail piece.

I cut out the blade and glued it into a notch in the head piece.

The seam was puttied smooth.

A central spine for each side was formed from a 1/4″ wood dowel. It was sharpened to a point on the belt sander and then split in half.

Decorative discs were cut out of styrene and glued to the sides of the blade.

I drilled each end of the main shaft dowel and fit thread inserts. This will allow a 1/4″ threaded rod to screw the head and tail pieces to the spear shaft.

I printed out a template for the shaft markings and transferred them to the dowel with carbon paper. I traced over the pencil with a Sharpie, correcting areas that didn’t look right.

I used puffy paint to apply the design to the shaft.

The shaft has three circles on each side of the shaft.. I drilled out a hole and then glued a plastic disc to each.

All parts received a base coat of metallic silver and then a top coat of metallic red automotive paint.

The head and tail pieces painted.

The parts disassemble for shipping.

The assembled spear is over six feet long.