dothraki arakh
August 2015
The Dothraki are a race of nomadic horse-mounted warriors in HBO's Game of Thrones. They traditionally fight with curved swords known as arakhs.

There's so much cool stuff in Game of Thrones but I really love the Dothraki swords.

I based mine on Khal Drogo's sword but I tweaked the curve of the blade to something more pleasing to my eye.

I glued a few pieces of poplar together to form the profile.

The basic shape cut out and the start of the edge of the blade (formed on the belt sander.)

The hilt is very thick so I cut out two more pieces of poplar for the sides.

I bolted all three pieces together and started carving. Some Dremel sanding for material removal but a lot of hand carving with an Xacto blade.

Carving the hilt while the blade was attached was cumbersome so I cut out a tang for the blade from the middle slice.

The three piece could be glued together for refinement of the shapes. I also build some shapes with epoxy putty.

Some of the round decorations could more easily be made on the lathe. I used basswood for its fine grain.

These pieces slid on the tang of the blade.

Test fit of all the parts.

Final painting of the blade.

For a gem on the base of the blade, I carved a master from basswood.

I molded it and cast a bunch of resin copies.

I cast a bunch of these shapes for the blade as well.

I cast some clear gems from the molds.

An acrylic gem was glued into each side of the pommel.

Decoration on the base of the blade.

The final sword.

Detail of the hilt.

What a wicked blade!