comi-ame black canary shuriken
june 2011
Black Canary is a costumed crime fighter known as a world-class martial artist with a superpower: the "Canary Cry", a high-powered sonic scream which could shatter objects and incapacitate enemies. The design style is based on Japanese anime and the name is derived from the phrase "American Comics".

I was commissioned to make a pair of throwing stars for a Black Canary cosplay based on the Comi-Ame statue.

Since these stars were mainly for conventions and photo shoots, we decided to save some money by making the stars out of flat 1/4” poplar. The diamond profile of the statue’s stars would be more difficult to replicate and is really more of a sword/spear feature…I suspect it would mess up the aerodynamics if you were to throw them.

I did narrow each point from the center on the belt sander to make them look more sharp. The star may be blurry but look at that plywood table edge!

Finally, I drilled out a recess for the hub on each side with a forstner bit.

The stars were painted with light coats of Rustoleum hammered silver.

I lathed the center hub master from a chunk of MDF and decided to add a small Black Canary logo to the center. The cops gotta know who pinned the jewel thieves to a wall…

The thin styrene logo glued to the hub.

I made a silicone mold of the hub to make resin copies for each side of the star.

A nice base coat of gold over the resin copies and hand painted logos finishes the hubs.

The final stars.

Detail of the hub area.