Alan Moore action figure
december 2015
Alan Moore is an English writer primarily known for his work in comic books including Watchmen, V for Vendetta, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and From Hell. In 2007, Moore appeared in animated form in an episode of The Simpsons entitled "Husbands and Knives", which aired on his fifty-fourth birthday.

I am a big Simpsons fan and collector so a Simpsonized Alan screamed to be made into an action figure for my collection.

The episode ends with Alan, along with fellow comics writers Art Spiegelman (Maus) and Dan Clowes (Ghost World), ripping off their shirts to reveal their superpowers.

I bought an extra "Ripped Groundskeeper Willie" to use as a base for the new figure. I will be replacing the head and hands (due to Alan’s rings)

After drawing up a template from screen caps, I started to sculpt the head. It's important to rough in the major shapes before the geometry gets too complicated.

Face sculpted. Fortunately, I only have to sculpt one side…the geometry is mirrored automatically.

Final head and hair sculpt.

Sizing this one was a real problem. The first print of the hands from Shapeways were too big!

The head came back too small.

But the mistake allowed me to do some maths and get the size right on the second try! Here is the new print, sprayed with filler primer and polished.

I cut off Willie’s hands and glued the new hands on with JB Weld epoxy.

After glueing on the head, a coat of primer checks the progress.

Next I needed to change the belt buckle to match the drawings from the show. I cut away the extra plastic and later added a small piece of styrene to make the tongue.

I also had to remove the cuff from the pants and restore the seam.

I also had to re-shape Alan's shoes

I had originally intended to mold the figure as one piece, but I changed my mind. I cut of the arms and used bits of steel bar to make pegs.

I made a clay bed to mold the figure. Bits of wood make pour spouts.

I played with mix ratios to dial in a proper Simpsons Yellow in the poured resin.

The first copy from the molds with proper color.
I’m very pleased with the seam. Very little cleanup.

I hand painted his rings (under extreme magnification)

Alan’s hair, beard, eyes and mouth were also painted by hand with acrylic craft paints.

The pants, belt and shoes were painted a flat black. The belt and shoes got a coat of semi-gloss clear coat.

I glued Alan’s arms in a spell-casting/ Sith lightning pose because he is awesome.